Annemarie Spitz
Annemarie Spitz is currently a principal at Public Design Bureau and teaches at Washington University. She has led every stage of user-centered research and design, with an emphasis on creating new programs, strategies, and digital and analog tools. Her focus in the social sector is grounded by over 10 years of experience working with nonprofit and community-based organizations.
Spitz earned a Bachelor of Arts in Architecture, with a minor in American Culture Studies, from Washington University. She then completed a Master of Arts in Design for Sustainability at the Savannah College of Art and Design, where her work concentrated on design research, behavior change, and community facilitation.
Select Exhibitions and Presentations
- MICA Center for Social Design: Human-Centered Design Intensive session design and
facilitation, 2019-2021.
- “How to Talk to People: Facilitating for Design,” Annemarie Spitz, presented at Design Futures workshop, 2018 - 2019.
- Design for Public Services talk and panel, Annemarie Spitz, present at Chicago Service Design Network, 2018.