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Q&A with Leena Bekhiet

A conversation with Leena Bekhiet, who graduates in May 2024 with a BFA in fashion design and minors in business of the arts and writing.

What are some of the biggest life lessons you learned in your time here?
My time at WashU has shown me how being busy doesn’t always equate to happiness. Learning how to balance work and rest is beyond important. With the creative field, it’s important to also have other interests and hobbies outside of just what you do in school, to fuel and drive your creative passion into something genuine or meaningful to you. 

How are your plans different than what you thought four years ago?
I came into WashU as a chemistry major and I’m leaving with ambitions to start my own fashion label. It’s so important to take advantage of all the different classes at WashU and experiment with different majors. I went from a chem major, to a finance major, to a fashion design major all in the span of my first year. I couldn’t be more grateful for the opportunity to try different things until I landed on something that felt true and right for me. 

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Image courtesy Leena Bekhiet.

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Image courtesy Leena Bekhiet.

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Image courtesy Leena Bekhiet.

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Image courtesy Leena Bekhiet.

What’s something new you tried?
Something new I tried was joining Armour Magazine, of which I am now the editor-in-chief, or president, of this club WashU offers. From styling to writing to creative directing, I’ve gained so much experience and made many new friendships and connections through my involvement in the magazine. The experience I’ve gained the past two years as editor-in-chief have taught me how to lead and manage an organization of over 150 people, and I could not be more grateful for this unique chance to run a wonderfully collaborative magazine. 

Ten years from now, what do you think you’ll remember most fondly about WashU?
Ten years from now, I’ll remember the best friends I’ve made here. I’ll also cherish the memories made on campus and globally with these people who I call family. I’ll also remember the professors who gave me the confidence and support to do whatever the hell I wanted. Who saw my identity and self poured into my work and urged me to keep going, and to push myself to my greatest potential. Audra Hubbell and Jennifer Ingram, especially, made WashU a safe space for me and I’ll never forget it. I’ll cherish the memories learning and growing in this city with my friends and from my professors.