Connor Seger
Inspired by the beauty of the unnerving, Connor Seger designs immersive fashion experiences. These environments connote the visceral experiences of viewing discomfort embedded onto the human form. Through experimentation with textile manipulation and texture, Seger creates narratives which link grotesque realities of our world to the tactile nature of garmentry.
Spiritual Erosion Spiritual Erosion performs a cautionary tale of Earthy figureheads as they continue to poison the sacred in the name of power. In this body of work, the merging of political and religious landscapes are actualized. The degradation of the divine is visualized through the burning and staining of fine silks and wool. Slowly the spiritual and the physical are consumed, as thick sludge emerges from the folds of the garment, weeping black grime and soiling the fabric. By harnessing the power of spirituality, institutions erode spirituality’s virtuosic guiding mantras for life, the prophetic potential of religion and in turn polluting one’s own spirit.