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Shreyas R Krishnan

Shreyas R. Krishnan is an illustrator-designer from Chennai, India. She makes non-fiction comics and zines about memory, identity, and complex social issues. Her research focuses on the ways gender and visual culture impact each other.

Krishnan’s comics have been nominated for an Ignatz Award twice – for “Ley Lines #12: Maqsood-i-Kainaat,” and for “Bystander Anthology: Stories, Observations and Witnessings from South Asia,” which she also co-edited. She founded and co-organizes Bad Drawing Club, an informal monthly drawing group for people of marginalized genders, and is an assistant professor at the Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts at Washington University in St. Louis. In collaboration with Aggie Toppins, Krishnan initiated the TL;DR Zine Archive, a collection of zines about design and illustration

Work by Shreyas R Krishnan