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b and e, 2021

About the artist

Graduating cum laude from the MFA program at the University of Iowa, bARBER uses interdisciplinary art practices to articulate various testimonies within and surrounding Black America. Most recent awards include the 2020 Biennial Artist Research Fellowship at Island Press (Sam Fox School, Washington University in St. Louis), selected for New American Painting (Midwest), nominated for Joan Mitchell Foundation Painters and Sculptors award, and recipient of the Alonzo Davis Award from Virginia Center for Creative Arts.

4 plate collagraph and relief with a la poupée inking and chine collé on Hannemuhle Copperplate Bright White paper plate size 32 x 26 paper size 36 x 30

Collagraph and relief

36 x 30

Edition of 12

Master Printer Tom Reed

Methods Collagraph