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Everything All At Once, 2009

About the artist

Chris Duncan is an Oakland-based artist who employs repetition and accumulation as a basis for experiments in visual and sound based media. An overriding theme in current works is the use of natural forces, such as the sun and the moon, as conceptual and compositional prompts for both sonic and visual efforts. In addition to his studio practice, Duncan organizes events and runs a small artist book press and record label called LAND AND SEA with his partner, Maria Magdalena Otero. Duncan earned his BFA from the California College of Arts and Crafts and his Masters Degree in Art Practice from Stanford University.

Printed by Tom Reed with the chop located on the verso bottom right and the print number located on the front left.

Collagraph, relief, collage on sunray satin

60" x 60"

Master Printer Tom Reed

Other works by Chris Duncan